Rock Thomas Motivational Speaker, Author, Podcaster and an Amazing Human

The Beauty of life is that we all have different stories, we all have separate roads to travel on, and we all learn separate lessons from life. These lessons that we learn from life help us in personal development and make us a better more focused human being. Often, these worthy lessons come in the form of challenges. These challenges provide us the opportunity to do something difficult and something we are uncomfortable with but all of that ultimately brings so much goodness in our life.  Today’s guest, Rock Thomas, is an entrepreneur whose childhood challenges proved for him a “blessing in disguise”. Rock learnt very hard lessons in his early age which led him toward the field of personal development.

Rock Thomas is an entrepreneur, coach, and founder of M1 Mastermind group. He helps people with their personal development journey to create success in every area of their life. He has recently helped over 55 people attain millionaire status and helped many individuals to become financially independent. He also studied Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Deepak Chopra, Caroline Myss, and many more leaders. He has written 3 books (The power of your identity, Your epic life blueprint, and Epic life planner) and also running his own podcast show.

What You will Learn from this Episode:

In today’s podcast, Rock is sharing his views on variety of topics related to personal development. Rock is talking about his rough and tough childhood, what lessons he learnt from his childhood, his drug history and how he stopped it, and his entrepreneurial journey. Moreover, he is discussing how difficult times helps in personal development, why people think they are not good enough, how to overcome self doubt and stop relying so much on people’s opinion about you, why is it important to stop solving everyone’s problems and learn to say “no”, how to choose right people to surround yourself with, how your one difficult step can bring you so many opportunities, and how your perspective determines how your brain processes. There is lot more in today’s episode, so tune in for answers to these questions.

The Episode Timeline:

[00:00] – Introduction of Rock Thomas.

[01:10] – Challenging childhood of Rock and what it taught him.

[04:14] – Early life work of Rock.

[05:47] – How to overcome stigma of “I am not good enough”.

[08:53] – What’s the problem with “fixing everyone’s problem all the time”?

[14:52] – Drug history of Rock and how he quiet it during his entrepreneurial journey.

[17:44] – My journey of personal development. What changed my life’s direction?

[19:03] –Rock’s online entrepreneurial school, his work, and story of his entrepreneurial journey.

 [25:43] – Why to surround yourself with like minded people?

[26:24] – My story: Being comfortable with being uncomfortable. How great things often hide behind one difficult step that you sometime don’t want to take.

[28:05] – Overview of Rock’s 1st book: “The power of your identity”.

[29:52] – Overview of Rock’s 2nd book: “Your epic life blueprint”.

[31:31] – Detrimental effects of phrase “Don’t talk to stranger”.

[33:29] – Overview of Rock’s 3rd book: “E

Core Values and Company Culture.

One of the most important things to run a successful business is to have a great company culture. But a great company culture and effective team work does not happen by magic; it starts with a strong leader. It is the responsibility of a leader to create “core values” for his company. When these “core values” are well implemented they create cohesion among team members which ultimately create a great “company culture”.

As a leader you cannot simply hang your values on the wall and expect your employees to follow them. Firstly, employees follow what their leader does, not what he just says. So, a strong leader is the one who himself upholds those core values first and then instills those values in his employees. Secondly, if you are upholding your vales but still there is a strong possibility that your employees will not follow them. It’s because human beings are genetically hardwired to loss interest quickly if there will be no sense accountability. Regular accountability of core values is what brings consistency in teams.

So, if you are a business leader then let your core values blossom in your leadership first and then make your employees abide by those values and then held them accountable as well. This is what my today’s podcast is all about.

Listen to this solo podcast if you are running your own company and struggling with your company culture. I am talking about core values, how they impact company culture, how you can instill core values in your employees, what can be the reasons of a poor company culture etc. I am also sharing stories of some leaders who have created great company culture and I’ll tell you how they are doing that. To know all of this information listen to the whole podcast.

My Services:

Are you struggling with sales department of your company? May be you don’t have the right culture the breads great sales people or you just don’t know how to do more sales. In either case, if you are looking for a sales coach then reach out to me through my social media handles. I am helping companies grow their sales and generate more revenue for themselves.

The Episode Timeline:

[0:00] – Introduction and my social media handles.

[0:35] – What are core values?

[1:16] – How to instill core values in your team?

[2:54] – What creates your company culture?

[3:49] – Reasons of poor company culture.

[4:32] – Examples of good company culture.

[8:55] – If you are a leader and struggling with your company culture, listen to it.

[10:36] – How can I help you in your sales organization?

[11:06] – What you want to learn about sales? Suggestions please.

My Social Media Handles:

Facebook:  @Corey Berrier

Instagram:  @coreyberrier


Linkedin:  Corey Berrier- Suc

Todd Thompson, a Pekin based economic consultant who specializes in downtown revitalization.

Today’s Episode Summary:

When people see entrepreneurs they see them as a final product and they think their success is “overnight success”. But they don’t realize struggles and a long journey behind the scene. For most of the entrepreneurs their entrepreneurial journey starts from a very young age and they strive continuously to leave a meaningful impact on the world through their vision. My today’s special guest, Todd Thompson, started working in a very young age and all of his work added up into a vision that changed many lives.

Todd has managed a wide variety of downtown revitalization projects. He rebuilt and repaired vacant buildings of Pekin, Havana and many other towns and filled those buildings with local small businesses. He is running economic development projects and also helping and coaching small business to grow. So far he has changed so many lives through his vision of stabilizing small towns.

In our today’s podcast episode I am having conversation with Todd about his early age work, his carpentry business, how he ended up in downtown revitalization work and how he brought his vision to life.

To know detailed information listen to the full podcast.

The Episode Timeline:

[00:00] – Introduction of guest.

[01:06] – Where Todd grew up and what was his first business?

[03:35] – When he made money for the first time?

[07:00] – Which personality type can be an entrepreneur?

[08:45] – Todd juggling with his education and work.

 [12:28] – His commercial carpentry company at the age of 17.

[13:54] – What is carpentry work that he was doing?

[15:15] – How he ended up in economic development project of revitalization of Pekin downtown?

[35:06] – How many buildings he revitalized and in how much time?

[36:50] – How he coaches his tenants to thrive their business.

[41:19] – Next project of Todd; revitalization of Havana Illinois.

[45:53] – Remarkable impact of Todd’s work on people’s lives.

[49:41] – Ripple effect of good intentions.

[52:05] – Some best advices from Todd.

Golden Nuggets from Episode

  • “Any personality type can be an entrepreneur. There is no 1 formula that fits everybody. Human beings have so many dimensions so you can approach business your way.”
  • “Change what you can and accept what you can’t.”
  • “If things are not going the way you want, then do something different.”
  • “We all are somebody good and if we allow that goodness to shine then ripple effect becomes exponentially good.”
  • “Good intentions make all the difference in the world.”
  • “Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
  • “It’s so easy to create stress in your life if you never believe what you did was good enough. But if you accept that this was my best today then this alleviates a lot of stress.”

Politics, Current Events,Blah, Blah,Blah

You’re going to enjoy this episode because I dive into some personal things about myself, some personal beliefs around politics, and I talk about how I started this podcast. Please go follow me @coreyberrier and if you’re trying to learn how to sell your product or service or you have a team of sales people that need coaching then you’re going to want to send me a dm so you can enjoy the results that my other clients have loved.

Cole Hatter-Founder of Thrive, Entrepreneur, Real estate Investor,Keynote Speaker, Outstanding human

Cole Hatter is a Multi-millionaire, entrepreneur, real estate investor, and founder of Thrive.

Today’s Episode Summary

Today’s special guest, Cole Hatter, is founder of Thrive (make money matter). He is running a successful multi-million business for entrepreneurs and impacting lives of thousands of people throughout the world through his events. 

My conversation with Cole about his entrepreneurial journey. He is talking about his success at an early age, some devastating incidents which took him to Mexico for some time, and then coming back to America and establishing a super successful business. There is a lot to learn from Cole’s story.

Cole established his business not to chase better materialistic life but to live a greater purpose. His entrepreneurial story is a living example of the fact that “everything that happens in your life happens for a very good reason”. 

Moreover, in the podcast we are discussing how to navigate through difficult times, why people should invest on learning instead of looking for free options. Lastly Cole is sharing some sales tips to the listeners. 

This is not it; there is much to learn from today’s podcast. So, bear with us until the last second of this amazing episode which is full of take-home lessons.

Cole Hatter Entrepreneurial Story in a Nutshell

At the age of 20, Cole was running a million dollar business and was living a lavish life. He had everything he wanted and was spending money fervently like any other young boy. Even though he was blowing money but he had great moral upbringing so he was living a good life ethically and morally. 

Then in an accident he lost his very close friends and because of this devastating incident he started suffering emotionally. He was in deep trauma of losing people he loved, meanwhile, his business started failing. Cole was emotionally unavailable and it was impacting his love life also. After some time, he lost everything; his business blew up, his girl friend dumped him and he was still suffering from emotional detachment.

To recover from his dire emotional state, he decided to reset his life completely. He disappeared completely, went to Mexico and started serving a non-profit organization. Suddenly this American business man, who was running a million dollar business and was living a lavish life, was at the lowest of the low position. He became a construction worker in Mexico; building houses for homeless families and doing cleaning and stuff. Everything got changed in his life; his work, his environment, and his living standards. He had been switched from one life style to another life lifestyle.

From being “somebody” to “nobody” proved to be one of the biggest growth periods for Cole. This transition helped him finding his mission for life. He started his own orphanage in Mexico and kept feeding homeless kids and serving community for 9 months. Serving others for straight 9 months gave him complete healing and then he got ready to move forward in life.

Alex Pike, RN, Fashion Model and Australia's Favorite Cosmetic Injector

My special guest today is Ms. Alex Pike!! The reason this interview is so important is because this is the first time Alex has spoken about her history with Sexual abuse, Drugs, and Alcohol. We recorded this Interview three times over the past 6 months and the reason we rerecorded was to make sure we included all of the things from Alex's past. You're going to want to listen to this interview because it will open your eyes to some things that you wouldn't have imagined. Please follow Alex @missalexpike

Mandy Podlesny is a Keto Coach,Host of More with Mandy Podcast and a truly AMAZING young lady

My Special guest today is Mandy Podlesny!! What an extraordinary young lady!! She is a Keto Coach, more importantly she focuses on the mindset around being committed to a keto lifestyle. Mandy also goes on to explain how important it is to stick with the plan until you have accurate data to decide if it's the best plan for you. Please go find Mandy @moremandyp

Reeno @Inkedboudoir Is an International Boudoir Photographer with a passion for INK

Today my special guest is Reeno!! Reeno is a Boudoir photographer that specializes in taking pictures of models with a ton of INK and very little clothing.  Reeno has never told his story on a podcast before so this is going to be a lot of fun!!! 


Rob Mack, Author, Speaker, Positive Psychology Expert

My Special guest today is my good friend Rob Mack!! I truly cannot say enough things about this gentleman.  He is one of the kindest, most genuine, and incrediby intellegent men I know. Rob is the Author of Happiness from the Inside Out which you can find with the link below. Rob has been endorsed by Oprah, Vanessa Williams, and many others. Rob has been featured in Good Morning America, The Today Show, Good Morning LaLa Land, and E just to name a few.

Nathan Mansfield and Matt Berthot

​Today my special guests are Nathan Mansfield and Matt Berthot!! Wow these two guys have such an amazing story. Nathan comes from a military background, he's pretty much a badass. Matt has an amazing ability to coach high school students to be rockstar vocalist. Matt and Nathan also have a new coaching program that I encourage you to check it out!​