Confidence is a Superpower in Sales with Sean Castrina | Successful Life Podcast

Confidence is one of the most important things you can have when it comes to sales. In today’s podcast episode, we will be having an in-depth conversation about how confidence plays into sales and how you can develop that superpower over time.

In this episode, I have Sean Castrina joining me on the show. He is a serial
entrepreneur who loves starting businesses that are people driven. According
to Sean, systems win the race in business. Looking back at all the businesses he
has had over the years; he can comfortably say his secret sauce is having
systems that work and can be replicated repeatedly.
Today we will be having an in-depth conversation about having confidence as a
salesperson. We’ll also dive into Sean’s podcast, his inspiration to become an
entrepreneur, and hear some nuggets of wisdom from Sean.
Listen to this episode to hear more.
Key Talking Points of the Episode:
[00:37] Getting to know Sean
[01:45] The essence of having confidence as a salesperson
[10:10] Sean’s podcast: 10-Minutes Entrepreneur Podcast
[11:24] Why did Sean become an entrepreneur?
[13:44] Sean’s greatest piece of advice to people
[14:50] How to find out what the market wants

Magical Quotes from the Episode:
“Don’t quit your job to go start a business. Because when broke, people can’t
sell.”- Sean
“Confidence is the X Factor. If you don’t have it, it’s hard to hard to sell to a
very confident person.”- Sean
“The only person that is going to put to get you where you want to go is you.”-
“Every failure brings with it an equal opportunity. You just got to find it.”- Sean
“I’m good at finding the need. Then I find the human capital and I pair the two
together and the rest is history.”- Sean

Relevant Links:
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Download my #1 bestseller “9 Simple Steps to Sell More $H!T” for free with
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The Power of Evoking Emotions in Sales | Successful Life

The Power of Evoking Emotions in Sales

Emotions play a significant role when it comes to buying. Have you ever
bought an expensive item just because you have some attachment to the

In Sales, learning to evoke emotions is essential. It would be best if you
learned how to make your target audience feel you understand their emotions.

The other day, I met with someone who had accepted my consulting proposal.
As we went through the proposal, she was okay until we got to terms of
payment. I noticed that her face went from looking upright to facing down, and
I knew there was a problem with that part.

I did my best to get to the bottom
of the matter, which made her feel emotionally heard and gave her the
confidence necessary to move on with the proposal emotionally heard.

Active listening and mirror words are two amazing ways that you can use to
make the other person feel heard. When having a conversation with anyone,
the best thing you can do is listen to them attentively. This makes the other
party feel heard. Mirror their last three to five words make them know you
were paying attention.

In this episode, I will share some tips on how you can evoke emotions in sales
that will help you get better in sales. Listen in and learn.

Key Talking Points of the Episode:
[02:18] My last week's meltdown
[05:41] The power of evoking emotions in sales
[07:35] Active listening

[08:40] Mirroring words
[09:58] My 2009 story
Magical Quotes from the Episode:
"Don't go into business with people that are not smarter than you."
"I'm really good at evoking an emotion. That's what you got to do, you got to
evoke some sort of emotion because we buy emotionally."
"If I could get to how they're feeling. They're going to understand that I
understand how they feel. Therefore, they're going to move forward."

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Successful Life Podcast | Host: Corey Berrier with guest Henry Kellem

Guest: Henry Kellem; Entrepreneur, Story Teller,  Investor, Philanthropist

Apple Podcast

Spotify Podcast

Henry Kellem, is known for his vision “Dirt Road to Rodeo”. Henry developed this vision as a child when he had nothing; he was poor, working in fields, and had a broken family. Henry changed his life of misery to a life of fulfillment through visualization, manifestation, understanding the power of the subconscious mind, and practicing certain behaviors. Today he is talking to us about these spiritual practices and how science backs them to be true. Naturally, our brain is wired to look at the negativity in the world. Especially if you grew you with lacks and limitations that all you talk about throughout your life, and ultimately these negative thoughts wire negative patterns into your brain. These negative thought patterns impact you on biological and neurological level, for example, negative thoughts turn on the stress response system in our body that releases certain chemicals and hormones which suppress our immune system. If you are stuck in life, you need to understand your brain and change its thought pattern by breaking old self-destructive neural networks. You have to understand that your brain lets you see what you believe, so you have to guard and reject every negative thought coming into your brain. You also have to deliberately inculcate positive thoughts into your brain because negativity is like weeds – which grow on their own – but to grow flowers you have to nurture them.

Another thing that helps you to create a new thought pattern is VISUALIZATION. Visualization helps you to plant thoughts into your subconscious mind and you start doing things automatically.

Secondly, you manifest what you visualize because our brain does not know the difference between imagination and reality, so, it’s better to trick your mind by visualizing the things that you want in your life.

Your subconscious mind will enroll all these practices and give you your desired results.

This is only 1/3 of the podcast, there is a lot more you can learn from this episode. So, tune-in and listen to this worth listening podcast. What You Will Learn from this Episode: In today’s episode, you will learn the scientific reasons behind certain human behaviors. You will learn how thinking positive or negative changes biochemistry of our brain, how negative thoughts suppress our immune system, how high Cortisol level in the morning impacts our behaviors, what worry, fear, and anger does to your brain and body, what’s the relationship between human body and energy, and how your perceptions, beliefs, and words impact your brain? Also, you will learn how your inside is the reflection of the outside, why we often give reactive responses, what’s the role of the subconscious mind in generating automatic and reactive responses, how you create thought pattern of your kids, why our mind is wired to look negativity in the world, how imagination rewires your brain, why social cohesion makes you live longer, and what’s the science behind the smile, sleep, and deep breath and how these 3 wire our brain? Moreover, Henry is sharing the story behind his vision – Dirt Road to Rodeo, how his childhood was, and how he changed his life through visualization, affirmations, and gratitude.

The Episode Timeline:

[00:00]– Introduction of today’s guest.

[00:42]- Story behind Henry’s vision “Dirt Road to Rodeo”.

[08:56]- How thinking positive/negative changes the biochemistry of our brain?

[10:36]- Impact of high Cortisol level, in the morning, on our behaviors.

[14:23]- Power of words: you create what you speak.

[16:10]- Reason behind being REACTIVE.

[17:30]- How to rewire your brain to be positive.

[20:37]- Everything –including the human body- is made up of energy AND all human beings are connected.

[26:49]- Our inside is the reflection of the outside.

[28:18]- Power of imagination.

[29:14]- What worry or fear or anger does to your brain and body?

[32:18]- Understand your brain and how it works.

[33:59]- How you create the thought pattern of your kids.

[37:30]- How the subconscious mind generates automatic responses.

[38:11]- Change your thought pattern to change your life.

[43:11]- Science behind smiling, science behind sleep, and science behind deep breath.

[45:41]- Social cohesion makes you live longer.

[51:04]- Contact detail of Henry Kellem.

[52:24]- Today’s podcast in a nutshell.

Golden Nuggets from Episode:

“God gave you the mind so that you could create whatever you want.” – Henry Kellem

“If our brain is hardwired to search for the negativity, we got to rewire it for the positivity.” – Henry Kellem

“You create what you speak.” – Henry Kellem

“When you grow up in lacks and limitations, that’s all you talk about.” – Henry Kellem

“Brain can’t focus on negativity and positivity at the same time, so, willingly seek out the positive stuff. That’s how you can rewire your brain and can look more positive in the world.” – Henry Kellem

“Your brain only lets you see what you believe to be true about you. Perception is reality. So stay and guard at the doorway of your mind. Guarding mind means to be vigilant about what you see and to be vigilant about what you hear.” – Henry Kellem

“Word is a seed because it goes to the subconscious mind and it will come back to the conscious mind and produce mental images.” – Henry Kellem

“Your inside is the reflection of the outside but today our outside world affects our inside world and that’s the whole problem. We were supposed to live inside out.” – Henry Kellem

“90% of your life is run by your subconscious mind.” – Henry Kellem


Henry Kellem’s Website & Social Media Handles:


Instagram: @henrykellem

YouTube: Henry Kellem


My Website & Social Media Handles:


Facebook:@Corey Berrier

Instagram: @coreyberrier


Twitter: @successfullifepodcast

Linkedin: Corey Berrier- Successful Life Podcast

YouTube: Successful Life Podcast

Successful Life Podcast | #1 Sales Talk with The Sales CEO

Host: Corey Berrier; Successful Life Podcast, Co-Host , Sales CEO, Motivational Speaker, Sales Coach

Apple Podcast

Spotify Podcast

Today’s Episode Summary:

In the world of business, your growth depends upon your preparation in every sector of your business. One of the most important sectors of your business that always needs preparation is your sales team and your sales process. Your sales team needs to be well trained on the subject of “sales” and this sales training is not the game of once and for all; you have to consistently train the sales team over and over again to drive the desired results.

I am The Sales CEO and I help companies and individuals to fill the holes in their sales process. I have been helping people with their sales team, their sales process, and their company culture. Since, I have the authority to talk about sales so here are my few sales tips for you to take your sales to the next level.

  1. If you are a salesperson, follow a definite sales process. First, do some research about your client and his company before meeting him/her. Secondly, ask yourself what you can offer to your client and why he/she should choose you? And thirdly, look at the social cues of your client during the meeting and try to understand your client’s concerns. All that means, you need to be socially-aware and self-aware so that you could build a custom plan for your client according to his needs.
  2. Make your client comfortable with you coming into his house and be trustworthy.
  3. Most of the time your client cannot see the holes in his boat but you as a salesperson can see. So, it’s your job to look at the whole picture of your client’s problem and solve it as a whole to avoid any inconsistency that can come in the future.
  4. Be aware of your client’s needs and wants and offer them what is best for them; not what they think is best and also not what you think will pay you more.
  5. Be honest and genuine in your dealings. Be the salesperson who wants to enhance his customer’s life and it will ultimately give you happiness and also it may pay you back in the form of more referrals in the future. So, you should be wise enough to maintain your honesty and integrity along with selling intelligently.

This is not it, there are many factors that you as a salesperson should count in your sales process to close more deals. So, if you are struggling with your sales team or sales process then I am here to help you. I will help you with your sales team to generate more sales for your company.

What You Will Learn From This Episode:

In today’s episode of the Sales CEO podcast, you will learn some vital sales tips. I am elaborating each sales tip with great examples so that you could understand the idea better. Moreover, I am talking about the importance of sales training, why you should do it consistently, and what if you won’t have regular sales training. Also in this episode, you will learn how putting yourself in uncomfortable and difficult situations can help you to be the best in your work and your life.

The Episode Timeline:

[0:00] – Introduction of Sales CEO.

[0:40] – Importance of having “sales training” over and over again rather than just once.

[3:49] – Sales Tip 1: Fix the problem of your client as a whole.

[5:02] – Sales Tip 2:  Follow a sales process when you get into your customer’s house.

[8:03] – Sales Tip 3: Put yourself in uncomfortable situations to prepare yourself to handle your clients.

[10:56] – Sales Tip 4: Follow this sales process to win and retain more clients.

[15:57] – Sales Tip 5: Pay attention to what your client needs versus what he/she wants.

[17:06] – Sales Tip 6: Be aware of your client’s need and sell intelligently.

[20:00] – Sales Tip 7: Integrity is a must if you are a salesperson.

[22:40] – Sales Tip 8: Be honest with clients about their needs and sell intelligently.

[24:39] – Sales CEO contact information.

[26:00] – My services.

[26:24] – Why sales training is a must for your company? Here is a great example to realize how important sales training is.

Golden Nuggets from Episode:

“In sales, you have to be aware and you have to be a good person. You have to be able to do the right thing and you have to provide the right product or the service to the customer because you know that it’s going to enhance their life not because it’s going to pay you. If you are going out for just money, I promise you may make some but at the end of the day you won’t be happy” –Corey Berrier

My Website & Social Media Handles:


Facebook:  @Corey Berrier

Instagram:  @coreyberrier


Twitter: @successfullifepodcast

Linkedin:  Corey Berrier- Successful Life Podcast

YouTube: Successful Life Podcast

Successful Life Podcast | Host: Corey Berrier with guest Alex Terranova

Guest: Nate Bailey; Performance Coach, Author of “Fictional Authenticity”, and Host of the “Dream Mason Podcast”

Apple Podcast

Spotify Podcast

Today’s Episode Summary:

There are many traits that a great business leader possesses in his personality. In today’s episode I am discussing many of those traits with my guest, Alex Terranova. One of the prominent traits of a great leader is the habit of reading books. You must have heard a proverb “leader is a reader”, that’s 100% true. But most of the readers today make a mistake while reading; they keep reading books one after another but they don’t implement it. Remember that reading hundreds of books won’t lead you toward success, but, implementing even a single book 100% will definitely change your destiny.

Another thing that you need to grow yourself is to find MENTORS. Mentors are the ones who can help you to get where u always dream to be and without them your journey of success would be long and hard as well. So, find someone who could shape you and guide you toward your jackpot.  Secondly, you not only need to seek mentors but you also need to be a mentor to someone. Help other people to grow because your success won’t mean anything if everyone around you will be living a miserable life. Helping other people selflessly with good intentions creates a positive impact on other person’s life and that is something you cannot measure on any scale. Remember that your good intentions pay you back in numerous ways because it is the law of nature that whatever you put into the world, you are going to get it.

Also, you as a leader need to balance out every dimension of your life; you need to build good relationships with people, with your clients, and with your loved ones because your relationships play vital role in leading you toward success. You also need to have a balanced approach to look at opposite views of people; listen to them, understand then and try to figure out a balanced way.

Last but not the least, if you want to be successful in life, you don’t need massive steps; start taking small steps to improve yourself and show up to the world as an energetic person and it will make you a charismatic successful leader of your organization.

What You will Learn from this Episode:

In today’s episode you will learn from Alex about many traits that you as a leader must possess. Alex is talking about importance of reading books, how he used to read books, and what you need to do when it comes to reading. Moreover, you will learn what you need to do if you are not good at something, how a mentor can ease your journey of success, what is the importance of building good relationships, how your choices impact your lives, how you should deal with people who disagree with you, why you should not pay so much attention to politics and how it is distracting you, why you need to help other people if you want to improve your life, and what is the importance of having good intentions and helping people selflessly? In the end we are discussing what you need to do if you want to make more money or want to improve your life in any context.

This is not it; you will learn a lot more from this episode. As a human being we all have some room for improvement, so, if you want to improve yourself as a business owner or as a leader of any organization then must listen to this podcast to know more detail.

The Episode Timeline:

[00:00] – Introduction of podcast and today’s guest.

[01:33] – Alex talking about his course based on his book “Fictional Authenticity”.

[02:43] – How Alex started reading books, his reading method, and how this habit changed his life.

[06:27] – What you need to do if you are not good at something?

[08:24] – How a mentor can ease your journey of success?

[11:05] – Importance of “relationships” in creating a successful life.

[13:05] – Alex talking about: balancing different dimensions of life and how your choices impact your lives?

[16:09] – Importance of having balanced approach to deal with opposite views of anyone.

[20:00] – Influx of information in today’s age of tech.

[22:24] – Why you should stop listening so much to what’s happening in the world of politics?

[31:47] – Why you need to pay attention to the benefits of other people around you?

[33:56] – Perks in helping/mentoring someone, who needs your help.

[41:05] – Power of good intentions and helping people selflessly.

[46:54] – How “showing up as an energetic person” can change your life?

[54:05] – Everyone notices you, don’t think no one notices you.

[57:30] – If you want to make more money, listen to this.

[58:36] – Why you should implement just one book hundred percent, rather than reading many?

[01:01:07] – Alex’s contact details and how you can access his book/course/podcast.

Golden Nuggets from Episode:

“If you are not good at something it’s simply because you need to practice more.” – Alex Terranova

“We can find very easily anything, as human beings, to distract ourselves.” – Alex Terranova

“If everything around you is shitty who cares how great it is for you.” – Alex Terranova

“Use your privilege to lift somebody else.” – Alex Terranova

 “Helping another human actually serves us because we are they and they are us.” – Alex Terranova

“If you put more good into the world, there is going to be more good in the world. So the likelihood of you encountering goodness is more likely.“ – Alex Terranova

“If you put negativity into the world, you are going to find more negativity because that what you are adding. But if you put positivity or good intentions or love then you are going to get that also.” – Alex Terranova

 “It’s your responsibility to decide who you want to show up as in this world. There is nothing that impacts your life more than making that decision.” – Alex Terranova

“Success in life is based on the relationship in service of you and your goals and your commitments.” – Alex Terranova

“If you want to make more money, you have to fall in love with being uncomfortable.” – Alex Terranova

 “If you are striving to make more money OR you are striving to be whatever it is and it feels like things are not moving then you need to do things differently to shake things up.” – Corey Berrier

“Why don’t you just read 1 book and do everything in it instead of reading all the book?” – Alex Terranova

“You believe the way you believe because of the way you were brought up.” – Alex Terranova

Alex’s Website & Social Media Handles:


Instagram:  @inspirationalalex

My Website & Social Media Handles:


Facebook:  @Corey Berrier

Instagram:  @coreyberrier


Twitter: @successfullifepodcast

Linkedin:  Corey Berrier- Successful Life Podcast

YouTube: Successful Life Podcast

Successful Life Podcast | “Everything You Need to Know About Virtual Selling in 2020”

Host: Corey Berrier; Successful Life Podcast, Co-Host , Sales CEO, Motivational Speaker, Sales Coach

Apple Podcast

Spotify Podcast

Today’s Episode Summary:

Before Covid-19 pandemic hit our planet almost all businesses were operating in a setting where clients used
to meet face to face with their seller before buying their services. It has no doubt that meeting face to face is
an effective way of wining trust of your clients and selling them your services, but it’s not possible anymore.
Covid-19 has changed the sales process throughout the world. Now you cannot have one on one meeting
with your clients but there is a great alternative available to you and that is VIRTUAL SELLING.
Now a days the reality of the world is virtual selling and video meetings. You have to adopt these virtual
means of communication and you have to learn all these new methods of selling if you want to grow your
business now. Even today many people think that they cannot operate their business virtually, it’s because
they have so many stereotypes about virtual selling and video calling. Also, a lot of people don’t feel
comfortable in doing zoom meetings because they fear judgment, they fear looking stupid on video, and they
fear rejection. But all these fears are only illusions of your mind, they are not real. So what you need is to
break all those fears and stereotypes. If you don’t feel comfortable with video calls then go somewhere and
practice video recording; practice again and again until you overcome your fears. Pay attention to your body
language, pay attention to your tonality, pay attention to your background where you are sitting, pay
attention to the lights, and most importantly pay attention to your emotional intelligence while video calling.
Because virtual calling is not very much different from your live meetings and your clients can sense all these
things, so make sure everything is proper.
Video calling is the best method available to you now to connect with your clients and not only that it saves a
lot of your time as well. From now on virtual selling is not going anywhere, so, it’s important for you, more
than ever, to adopt these virtual means of communication if you want to make more money. And if you won’t
adopt these virtual means of communication and virtual selling then you are going to lose your business at
the end of the day. So, if you don’t want to go out of business, then get on board to virtual selling.
What You will Learn from this Episode:
In today’s episode I am talking about importance of virtual selling and video meetings with clients. You will
learn why you should adopt virtual selling and what will happen if you won’t, what are some stereotypes
about virtual selling that you need to break, how you can overcome fear of getting on camera, why you
should not give people so many choices if you are selling something, and what are the perks in video
meetings as compared to one on one meetings? Last but not the least; I am giving some tips if you are not
comfortable in video calling with your clients.
To know answers to all these questions, listen to this podcast till the end.
The Episode Timeline:
[00:00] – Introduction of podcast and today’s topic.
[02:00] – Importance of virtual selling and video calling.

[08:37] – Why you shouldn’t give people so many choices if you are selling something?
[12:49] – Examples of great company culture.
[16:33] – Tips for you, if you are not comfortable in video calling with clients.
[30:37] – Why virtual selling is important more than ever if you want to make more money?
[31:18] – How to overcome fear of getting on camera?
[35:49] – When you need a teleprompter?
[38:33] – Here is an example for your motivation to start virtual selling.
[40:50] – How I felt during Covid lockdown.
[42:32] – Stereotypes about virtual selling that you need to break.
[47:08] – Perks of zoom meetings.
[48:14] – What you should do if you are not comfortable with zoom meetings?
[49:18] – This is what will happen to you if you don’t adopt virtual selling.
[50:06] – Sales CEO contact details.
Golden Nuggets from Episode:
“Sales process and company culture goes hand in hand.” –Corey Berrier
“You want to be a good person and you want to be the person that you could look back and say, I really like
the person that I was and I really like the man/woman I became.” –Corey Berrier
“Fear of judgment, fear of looking stupid, fear of rejection; this ruins so many lives. If you live by these fears,
you are going to live a miserable life.” –Corey Berrier

My Website & Social Media Handles:
Facebook: @Corey Berrier
Instagram: @coreyberrier
Twitter: @ successfullifepodcast

Linkedin: Corey Berrier- Successful Life Podcast

YouTube: Successful Life Podcast

Successful Life Podcast | Host: Corey Berrier with guest Nate Bailey

Guest: Nate Bailey; 100-Mile ultramarathon runner, author, coach, and host of Championship Leaders podcast.

Apple Podcast

Spotify Podcast

Today’s Episode Summary:

Life is truly a journey from one station of life to another station.  People who create impact are the ones who have some purpose, vision, and mission on every station of their life and their failures don’t stop them from reaching their milestone. To achieve success in any domain of life, whether it’s business, family life, or health, requires a resilient mindset and today’s guest, Nate Bailey, is the perfect example of a “strong headed person with resilient mindset”.

Nate Bailey is a 100-Mile ultramarathon runner, an entrepreneur, and an author. He accomplished running 100-Mile ultramarathon in just 29 hours. He attempted twice before his 3rd successful attempt. In first two attempts he completed 62 mile and 75 mile and then in 3rd attempt he reached his milestone of 100 miles. He developed and strengthened his mindset throughout that entire process and learned so many lessons from this 100 Mile journey. Now he is using his experience for coaching people to achieve a mindset which is required to achieve success in any field of life.  He helps entrepreneurs and business owners to work through the issues which continue to hold them back in life and he helps them to see possibilities in their life that they are not able to see on their own. He is running his coaching programs which happen throughout the year. He also wrote a book “100 Mile Mindset” based on his experiences and lessons taught by his 100 Mile journey and he is also running his own podcast show.

What You Will Get from Today’s Episode:

In today’s episode Nate is talking about his accomplishment of 100-Mile run in 29 hours, interesting events which happened during this marathon, how your body recovers after running 100-Miles, and which kind of mindset is required for participating in such marathons. Moreover, he is talking about his book “100 Mile Mindset”, his coaching programs for entrepreneurs, and how you can join these programs to create impact on your life, your loved ones, and the world at large.

The Episode Timeline:

[00:00] – Introduction of Nate Bailey.

[00:55] – Nate talking about his accomplishment of 100-Mile Run in 29 hours.

[02:19] – Mindset required for achieving 100-Mile run.

[03:06] – Nate’s 100-Mile journey story.

[07:23] –A worst incident that happened during his 100-Mile marathon.

[14:09] – Nate’s coaching programs for entrepreneurs and business owners?

[19:45] – Who can join Nate’s coaching programs and how they can join?

[23:54] – Can women join his programs?

[26:34] – What impact he created though his coaching programs on people’s lives?

[30:02] – Nate’s Book: “100 Mile Mindset”

[31:08] – Nate talking about his first two attempts before winning 100-Mile marathon.

[35:07] – How body feels and how it recovers after running 100-Mile?

[39:06] – Nate’s Podcast: “Championship Leadership”.

[43:35] – When his coaching events happen?

[46:20] – Nate’s contact info and website to access his material.

[47:23] – Last piece of advice from Nate Bailey.

Golden Nugget from Episode:

“Become a person of your word by doing what you say you are going to do every single day. The goal for us is to get to the point where when we tell someone, “we are going to do it”, they can count on us and they know it’s going to be done. Do simple little things every single day, quiet breaking promises to yourself and be a personal viewer.” – Nate Bailey

Nate Bailey’s Free Audiobook, Website, & Social Media:


Instagram: @coachnatebailey

Free Audio Book: “100 Mile Mindset”

My Website & Social Media Handles:


Facebook:  @Corey Berrier

Instagram:  @coreyberrier


Twitter: @ successfullifepodcast

Linkedin:  Corey Berrier- Successful Life Podcast

YouTube: Successful Life Podcast

Successful Life Podcast | Host: Corey Berrier with guest Joey Yak

Guest: Todd Thompson; Artist, Entrepreneur, and The Studio CEO.

Apple Podcast

Spotify Podcast

Today’s Episode Summary:

There are few people in the world who make their childhood dream come true and achieve success in a very young age. While a lot of other people give up their dreams because they end up in the whirlwind of everyday life while growing up. But my today’s podcast guest, Joey Yak, is from one of those people who believed in their dream and brought their dream to life.

Joey Yak is an energetic young artist who accomplished his childhood dream of creating music and becoming a star. He created custom theme music for many renowned entrepreneurs of the world like Tim Grover, Billy Gene etc. He worked for many big names of music industry and reached his jackpot; Hollywood. In a very young age he achieved this success and was doing nationwide tours with Crazy Bone. At that time he was very stubborn, immature, addicted to drugs, partying, and most importantly father of a daughter and not providing for his family. He was traveling and was living American dream and then at this pinnacle of his success he chose his family over fame and left Hollywood. He returned to his family and started a new humble beginning. He went through a whole self transformation journey and during the process he went through depression phase and learned many lessons for lifetime. He changed himself to a new person and then moved to the path of entrepreneurship. He converted his passion into business and now Joey is who he is today.

Joey is an entrepreneur and creates custom theme songs about people’s life, he creates podcast intros, and owns a company called Million Dollar Media where he does content creation. Joey is now 29 years old and has 15 years of experience in music industry.

What You will Learn from this Episode:

Today I am having conversation with Joey about his enterpenural journey and you will learn many things from him in this podcast. Joey is sharing with us his journey story from being Hollywood guy to a business owner; his childhood passion, his success, what he achieved, his depression story, his self transformation and starting own business.

Moreover, he is talking about self-awareness and doing what you are passionate about, adding value to people’s life, making big decisions without being afraid, power of instincts, and power of aligning action with intentions. Also he is explaining how you should approach people to offer them your services, why change is necessary in life, what’s the first thing you should do if you want to quit any addiction etc.

There is a lot more in today’s episode, so, tune in to this amazing and energetic podcast.

The Episode Timeline:

[00:51] –Introduction of Joey Yak.

[01:47] – How to approach people to offer them your services?

[06:44] – What Joey does?

[07:39] – How he started creating music and how he ended up in Hollywood?

[13:48] –Self transformation journey of Joey after leaving Hollywood.

[18:46] – Entrepreneurial journey of Joey and his depression phase.

[25:55] – Talk about: “Know yourself and do what you are passionate about”.

[30:01] –Accepting change in life and why change is necessary?

[34:58] – Power of instincts.

[36:35] – How he stopped taking drugs?

[40:34] – How like minded people connect with each other?

[44:39] – Make big decisions and don’t be afraid of making them.

[47:55] – Changing perspective; 1st step to get rid of any addiction.

[52:34] – Power of aligning action with intentions.

[55:30] –What it takes to grow your financial level?

[59:06] – Joey’s contact detail.

Golden Nuggets from Episode:

  • “Everything is a choice and a decision to rise.” – Joey Yak
  • “Every embracement is just a future encouragement.” – Joey Yak
  • “Once you change your perspective you really can change your life and you will attract those types of people that are meant to be with you.” – Joey Yak
  • “First step to change is in accepting that you have the problem.” – Joey Yak
  • “In order for you to start something new, your normal has to get interrupted somehow. You got to change something consciously, if you want something to change.” – Joey Yak
  • “Subliminal moves will create your one power move.” – Joey Yak
  • “People don’t make the decision because they are scared, that what’s on the other side of door, but what’s on the other side of the door is what YOU choose to be on the other side of the door.” – Joey Yak
  • “It’s so important to be doing what you can do right now, without looking for any results. Because people may be right now are not watching you but when they start watching you now they are watching you.” – Joey Yak
  • “When you get to the point where you don’t trust your instincts YOUR INSTINCTS TRUST YOU.” – Joey Yak
  • “I think everybody’s purpose is to be able to package up their pain and present it to the platform or package up their passion, package up their problems, and present it to the platform or and present it as a product.” – Joey Yak
  • “Everything that we need to know about us, we already know. If we can get silence in this chaotic world we can find a little bit of silence which is inner peace and you can hear that voice. If you can find that voice inside of you then you will already know what you need to do and how to do. ” – Joey Yak

Joey Yak’s Social Media Handles:

Facebook:  Joey Yak Pieper

Instagram:  @joey.yak


My Website & Social Media Handles:


Facebook:  @Corey Berrier

Instagram:  @coreyberrier


Twitter: @ successfullifepodcast

Linkedin:  Corey Berrier- Successful Life Podcast

YouTube: Successful Life Podcast

Successful Life Podcast | Host: Corey Berrier with guest Rock Thomas

Guest: Todd Thompson; Motivational Speaker, Author, Podcaster, and an Amazing Human

Apple Podcast

Spotify Podcast

The Beauty of life is that we all have different stories, we all have separate roads to travel on, and we all learn separate lessons from life. These lessons that we learn from life help us in personal development and make us a better more focused human being. Often, these worthy lessons come in the form of challenges. These challenges provide us the opportunity to do something difficult and something we are uncomfortable with but all of that ultimately brings so much goodness in our life.  Today’s guest, Rock Thomas, is an entrepreneur whose childhood challenges proved for him a “blessing in disguise”. Rock learnt very hard lessons in his early age which led him toward the field of personal development.

Rock Thomas is an entrepreneur, coach, and founder of M1 Mastermind group. He helps people with their personal development journey to create success in every area of their life. He has recently helped over 55 people attain millionaire status and helped many individuals to become financially independent. He also studied Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Deepak Chopra, Caroline Myss, and many more leaders. He has written 3 books (The power of your identity, Your epic life blueprint, and Epic life planner) and also running his own podcast show.

What You will Learn from this Episode:

In today’s podcast, Rock is sharing his views on variety of topics related to personal development. Rock is talking about his rough and tough childhood, what lessons he learnt from his childhood, his drug history and how he stopped it, and his entrepreneurial journey. Moreover, he is discussing how difficult times helps in personal development, why people think they are not good enough, how to overcome self doubt and stop relying so much on people’s opinion about you, why is it important to stop solving everyone’s problems and learn to say “no”, how to choose right people to surround yourself with, how your one difficult step can bring you so many opportunities, and how your perspective determines how your brain processes. There is lot more in today’s episode, so tune in for answers to these questions.

The Episode Timeline:

[00:00] – Introduction of Rock Thomas.

[01:10] – Challenging childhood of Rock and what it taught him.

[04:14] – Early life work of Rock.

[05:47] – How to overcome stigma of “I am not good enough”.

[08:53] – What’s the problem with “fixing everyone’s problem all the time”?

[14:52] – Drug history of Rock and how he quiet it during his entrepreneurial journey.

[17:44] – My journey of personal development. What changed my life’s direction?

[19:03] –Rock’s online entrepreneurial school, his work, and story of his entrepreneurial journey.

 [25:43] – Why to surround yourself with like minded people?

[26:24] – My story: Being comfortable with being uncomfortable. How great things often hide behind one difficult step that you sometime don’t want to take.

[28:05] – Overview of Rock’s 1st book: “The Power of Your Identity”.

[29:52] – Overview of Rock’s 2nd book: “Your Epic Life Blueprint”.

[31:31] – Detrimental effects of phrase “Don’t talk to stranger”.

[33:29] – Overview of Rock’s 3rd book: “Epic Life Planner”.

[34:42] – Where you can find these 3 books of Rock?

[35:31] – Rock’s coaching events for his master mind groups.

[39:46] – How changing perspective, to see things, impacts your life positively?

[41:01] – What is alopecia and how Rock attracted this disease?

[43:42] – What is the most impactful thing Rock has leant from his life so far?

[46:26] – How to choose who to spend your time with?

[50:55] – Rock’s advice to those who think they are not good enough.

[54:27] –Rock’s website to access his material.

[54:53] – Concluding remark of Rock about his legacy.

Golden Nuggets from Episode:

  • “We want to live full adventures life and don’t want to wait for the age of 65 to do really cool things. In order to achieve that you must create passive income vehicles; you cannot trade time for money forever.” – Rock Thomas
  • “You need to be spending 30min a day at putting something intelligent in your brain not just TV/radio and you need to set some goals, have a plan and execute them.” – Rock Thomas
  • “You need to be able to reframe things when things go bad and you need to be able to increase your net worth not just your cash flow and develop assets.” – Rock Thomas
  • “Be intentional about choosing people to spend time with; find out what their values are and then hangout with them.” – Rock Thomas
  • “Surround yourself with great people that are going to encourage you.” – Rock Thomas
  • “When you get like-minded people together, stuff that can happen is just unreal” – Corey Barrier
  • “When negative people are around you they are just your teacher. You have to decide to what level you want to graduate their lessons.” – Rock Thomas
  • “Your ability to say “yes” to things that are just outside of your reach is going to cause you to find courage and make you feel alive. Saying “yes” gets you into the conversation of possibility and most people say “no” because they don’t know the “how”, so they miss out on ton of opportunities. Remember that your “yes” can turn out to be a great opportunity” – Rock Thomas
  • “Saying “yes”, trusting your intuition, and then figuring out the details and hows later is what allow you to continuously be in growth mode and get opportunities.” – Rock Thomas
  • “Your perspective determines how your brain processes.” – Corey Barrier
  • “Our brain shuffles negative experience to the top of the brain and replay them over and over again and if you don’t consciously have practices of visualization, gratitude, and rituals then “I am not enoughness” rear its ugly head as a way to protect you from being embarrassed, humiliated, shamed, looking stupid, etc. So its work in process and it’s what we call personal development.”- Rock Thomas
  • “There are so many gifts in doing what is difficult in life instead of what we try to do these days, we are trying to make things so easy, so people don’t become a better version of themselves and they miss the whole point.”- Rock Thomas

Rock Thomas Website:



My Website & Social Media Handles:


Facebook:  @Corey Berrier

Instagram:  @coreyberrier


Twitter: @ successfullifepodcast

Linkedin:  Corey Berrier- Successful Life Podcast

YouTube: Successful Life Podcast

Is Solar Sales a Scam? | Successful Life Podcast

From the shady dealings of Power Home Solar Energy to the rise of solar sales, it seems like everyone's got something to say about this hot topic. But what does the truth really hold?

They’re selling them a $70,000 solar system that doesn’t even work because
they didn’t pull the permit before they did the work.

Guess what? All those
solar panels and stuff that people purchased are worthless. Why take money
from innocent people for useless products?

Truth be told. Pink Energy is making things difficult for all the salespeople out
there, especially those in the solar industry.

They have failed in one job as a
company, training their people. Had they done better training, things would be

Our renewal of vows is upcoming on the 9th of June. I wrote an email to a lady
requesting her to make our cake, and guess what her response was,” we will
need two weeks for this kind of order.” That’s shocking! I understand this
order may need time, but the lady should have given options. She also did not
consider the order included some cookies, which she completely overlooked.
If you are in trades, you need to take a few lessons from these situations and
 Training your people is essential if you want to grow.

 The construction industry is growing, and you need to do whatever it
takes to keep the people beneath you.
 Being the cheapest person doesn’t guarantee you a win. If anything,
people don’t trust cheap stuff.
 Time is of the essence when it comes to following up on leads.
Key Talking Points of the Episode:
[01:52] Is Pink Energy company scamming people?
[09:35] Funny story (sales 101)
[13:58] The essence of training your people right
Magical Quotes from the Episode:
“Salespeople by and large are not bad people, but this group evidently, did
some stuff they shouldn’t have done.”
“If you’re the guy that’s undercutting all your competition, you’re on a race to
the bottom.”
“The cheapest guy never wins.”
“Time is of the essence when you’re getting back to a lead.”
“If you’ve got solid people underneath you, you’re crazy not to keep those
people underneath you. Because if they leave you, they’re not coming back.
People are paying way more right now than they ever have in history.”
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