How Much are Memberships Costing You? with John Ellis

Corey Berrier: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Successful Life Podcast. I am your host, Corey Berrier, and I am here with my man John Ellis. What's up, John? 

John Ellis: Hey, good afternoon. Good to see you, my man. Oh, likewise. I'm glad to be here. 

Corey Berrier: I'm glad to have you. So, John, I, you know what? You can introduce yourself far better than I can introduce you.

Corey Berrier: So could you just tell everybody a little bit about yourself and some exciting things that you're we're gonna talk about 

John Ellis: today? Oh, absolutely. So again, my name is John Ellis. I've been in the H V A C industry for about 43 years now, so I've seen a lot of changes come and go and. I am a recovering contractor.

John Ellis: I had a H V A C business in California, and I'd like to say it took me 13 steps to get over that hump because I loved being a contractor. Don't get me wrong it, what a great experience. I've had a wonderful opportunity to work with a lot of great developers and other trades. And in, in that though, I, my truck said SoCal air dynamics.

John Ellis: performance contracting. So I was doing performance contracting way before it was cool. And. I specialized in high performance installation and systems and design. I was an Air balance technician. I was a hers reader. I'm a level one thermo for doing thermal imaging. I am an i a Q specialist. I'm an economizer specialist.

John Ellis: And I was commissioning leads, buildings, and I was running maintenance and service, you know, Calls as well, your normal everyday day-to-day kind of H V A C type stuff. So, but in that I had some wonderful opportunities, worked for some amazing people. I have some great mentors that helped coach me and bring me up in the mechanical aspect.

John Ellis: But then I crossed over into the building science and I was able to have some wonderful mentors in that and then into the indoor air quality realm of. Just some wonderful associates and mentors to help me in that. And so, wonderful opportunity. Fast forward we went ahead and sold off the business.

John Ellis: We moved. I am in a lovely New Mexico, Northern New Mexico. I live in a cabin in the woods, completely different way of life. I have absolutely no mechanical and so I'm on a bunch of different forums and people say, Hey what kind of thermostat do you like? So I show my. because , we chopped down trees and cut wood.

John Ellis: And so d different way of life. But that being said, I did start a consulting business and it's called Dynamic Air Consulting. [00:02:30] And in that business I work with clients that are severely respiratory or immunocompromised. So when my clients come to me, so keep in mind I've been doing indoor air quality a very high level for a very long time, along with all the other stuff that I've learned and they all.

John Ellis: Together. And so my customers come to me with cystic fibrosis that's a death sentence. Although they've made great strides, C O p D, they're gonna die from that. Lung transplant recipients tie 

Corey Berrier: some, tie something together for me really quick. I didn't mean to interrupt you. Well, I guess I didn't mean to.

Corey Berrier: No worries interrupt

Toxic System

[00:00:00] Welcome to the Successful Life Podcast. I am your host, Corey Berrier, and to Dave. Folks, I'm gonna tell you about a story that I read. I'm gonna tell you a couple of stories actually. I'm gonna give you a few tips on what Air Plumbing company should be doing. All right. So I read this story. It was I read it in a post.

So it said John had been running his plumbing company for the past three years, but despite his best. You couldn't seem to grow his business beyond a revenue of 2 million. He was feeling frustrated and stuck not knowing how to take his business to the next level. Sarah worked with John to develop a customized plan for business growth.

They focus on improving. The company's marketing efforts, streamlining business processes, and implementing better financial strategies. Sarah also provided valuable industry insights and guidance on how to take advantage of opportunities and avoid common pitfalls. One of the key pieces of advice Sarah gave John was to invest in his top technician Steve.

Steve had been with the company for several years and had consistently proven to be a valuable. It. Sarah suggested that John considers selling the company to Steve and offering him a partnership. After some contemplation, John decided to take Sarah's advice and sold the company to Steve. Steve. Now, Steve, now, the owner and manager implemented all the strategies that Sarah had recommended.

Within just a few years, the company had experienced tremendous. , they were building their 23rd location and it increased their revenue over 10 million. John was grateful for Sarah for the guidance and support she had provided through her plumbing coaching services, and he knew he couldn't have achieved this level of success without her help.

So I just share that story with you because it just paints a really good picture of, you know what I do for a living, right? It paints a good picture. , all the different things that business coaches work with, right? It's not just, it's interesting because I think people, one, we don't, business coaches should not be doing everything.

Let's just be completely transparent about that. If you've got a business coach that can do [00:02:30] every single thing in your business. Now look, I should back up. I look tj, Hartnett that dude can do anything you. In your business, right? Flywheel Coaching Services. He's a good friend of mine in a absolute genuine human being and smart as hell.

So that dude, however, can do all those things, right? This dude knows how to do everything. I, on the other hand, I don't know how to do all of those things. Like I understand the overview of it, but at the end of the day, like I'm not gonna come in and like tell you. Streamline all your business processes because that's not what I do.

I help you with streamlining your sales processes and getting your CSRs actually booking calls and getting customers excited and making them happy for your technician to come out there. And then we help them sell more memberships. We help them sell whatever it is you're trying to. Whatever it is you're trying to sell over the phone.

Right. And I just use memberships as an example. And I know there's mixed feelings on memb

The Most Profitable HVAC Business in America | Josh Kelly

[00:00:00] Welcome to the Successful Life podcast. I am your host, Corey Berrier, and I am here with my man, Josh Kelly. What's up Josh? What's up man? Good to see you brother. Good to see you too. Good to see you too, man. You got a way fancier background than me though. I'm so, you know, it's interesting. I gotta give my wife credit.

I get more compliments on that background than anything, and she hand painted that. . Did she really? That's not, yeah. Like she painted that whole thing. Oh yeah. Yeah. It's bizarre. Like, I couldn't have done that if you'd have paid me 40 million. I'm not sure I could paint this. And it's just a white wall . So isn't that the truth?

So, Josh, look for everybody that does not know you just give us a quick overview of who you are and what you do, brother. Yeah, I'm, so, I'm a contractor. I mean, I'm a contractor, by definition. I'm not someone you want to come fix your sink or anything like that. That'd be that'd be the worst contractor I've ever for that.

But you know, I play in H V A C and plumbing space. I have businesses across the United States I own and operate. Most people know me from my family's business Parker and Sons. It's the largest most successful, most profitable company in the United States for H V A C. Plumbing, electrical we'll do 240 million.

This. And then I've helped, companies across the United States, if you were to say the top 50 companies, United States, size-wise, I work with about half of them. Maybe a little bit more than half. Just helping 'em grow their business, be more profitable, operations, marketing, sales, the whole scheme.

I'm kind of like the, right now, at least, anyway, I'm kind of in the industry like the high end. You know, ninja consultant, we'll call it. Don't quote that. That's terrible. No one write that down, . But that's what we're saying is it's helping companies across the United States and then we help smaller companies too, but in kind of a different way a little bit more scalable, obviously.

So I'm just curious outta all the things that you listed that. Companies with, what do you, which part of all those things do you enjoy the most? I enjoy operations the most because it has the largest impact, right? Like, so a lot of people really think of me cuz our name and we screwed this up as clover marketing originally.

Right now we're just clover. But a lot of people for years think of us as clover marketing and like they put business oil on this marketing company. Some people think we do digital media, we don't do any of. . And I have no problem like I could take companies without us p without a strategy.

Like things, companies that think they know what they're doing, all of a sudden, you know, your cost per acquisition is $30 instead of 200, cuz you're working [00:02:30] with us and that makes a big difference in their business. But what I've found is the best place to start is always making money off the customers you already have.

Really maximizing the value. No matter how cheap a lead I get to you, if you don't do a good job of building a fence around them, making sure no one else gets in, creating a lot of value with that customer and ma actually making money off that customer, it

Where's the Money???

Welcome to the Successful Life Podcast. I'm your host, Corey Berrier, and today, folks, we're going to be talking about look, let's just dive straight into it. Now. Look, I'm sure this is not you, imagine seeing $1.3 million. In lost revenue because of follow-ups, and missed opportunities, that weren't closed.

Dude, that's a staggering amount of money. That was in six months. That wasn't even all year. That was just for six months. 1.3 million. Now, here's the crazy thing about that. When I see those numbers, I think to myself, how could anybody let that much money fly by? How could anybody not wanna fix that problem?

Part of it is you're busy, right? Be you're busy doing a million different things. And it's not that this thing is not important, cuz it is important,

but things take precedence over this, right? You don't. , you can't spend time on everything, and it feels like this should be the most important thing, but that's from my perspective, right? My perspective is different because you're running the business. I'm not; I'm looking at it from a coach's standpoint, but here's the thing, and I understand part of the reason why a lot of people, especially people in the trades have a hard time following up because y'all are just like me.

I hate following up. I used to hate following up. I used to hate prospecting. And I'll be honest with you, the reason people hate prospecting is because we take everything, we take the call personally, internally, we feel like the customer. Must not like us cuz they didn't buy from us. Sales in prospecting and follow-up, these things are not personal matters, it's a business matters.

Furthermore, prospecting. is not selling. So when you think about prospecting, you think about I've gotta get this person on the line. I gotta tell 'em all about my product, my service, and I gotta get a credit card on the first call. Or it's just not [00:02:30] worth it. But let's step back for a second and think about this.

Prospecting is not about. The sale prospecting is about filtering out the people who can use your product or service, who can afford your product or service, and who you wanna work with. And the only way to find that out is by prospecting and finding out what people's needs are. Finding out if you wanna work with that person, right you, but you've gotta talk to people in order.

For this to work. You don't have to like prospecting, but you do have to do it. That is a Sandler rule. That's not my rule, but I love that because I dude I'll tell you, most people hate prospecting also cuz they feel like a salesperson. Well that's cuz you're trying to sell something on the prospecting call.

The prospecting call is just, you're gathering information. You're figuring out from. The customer what it is they need, right? So here's an example. When you get an inbound call into your call center, that's prospecting right to a degree in this scenario, that's what it would be. Your CSR or ccr, whatever you call 'em, you're inside sales rep soon.

It's their job to ask questions to figure out how to solve the problem. that the customer has. If they don't ask good questions, they're not gonna get the right answers, and you're not gonna be able to s

I used to be FAT!

[00:00:00] Welcome to the Successful Life Podcast. I'm your host Corey Berrier, and I used to be fat hell. I'm still a fat boy at heart. Like my friend Caleb Feyerhiesen says, look, confidence is the number one thing that you need to have a successful life. My first fight with confidence. Was when I was called fat at age 12.

I went on a diet after that experience and I never gained the weight back, which helped me tremendously with my confidence. Am I still, am I super confident now? Not really. I'm probably more confident than most why? I'm willing to look stupid in front of people. And I'm willing to learn, and you might be thinking Corey, what does this have to do with sales?

Let me tell you a story about having no confidence or belief in myself and how it affected my ability to sell and provide for my family. So back in 2018, , I had a bad business deal or a business deal go sideways; I made a bad decision with this business, and we lost everything in that business.

Everything. I lost everything. My wife still had her business, and the most important thing that I lost in that whole situation was my confidence and my self-esteem, like I was so depressed. And I was depressed cause I didn't believe in myself. And so I met a guy and I had to tell him I didn't believe in myself, which was probably one of the hardest things that I've ever had to do.

Imagine having to tell another dude, man, I just don't believe in myself, man. I'm just not confident enough to even sell myself, and I need your help with. . That was a humbling moment. The second thing that was a humbling moment was his fee. At the time, his coaching fee was $2,500 a month. That is $800 more than our house payment.

But here's the thing. I needed to pay that [00:02:30] amount of money every month. The reason I needed to pay that amount of money every. was because I needed the experience of what it was like working with someone at that amount of money a month working with someone that's that high level. But most importantly, I got to see what was possible for me.

I got to see what was possible for Corey. I got to see what Mike did for that $2,500 a. and it was phenomenal. It got me exactly where I needed to be. Without that guy, I probably wouldn't be talking to you like this today because he's the guy that introduced me to the trades. To be perfectly honest with you, Mike Cladio is the reason that I do what I do today.

Look, he, Mike Claudio, helped me find my confidence when I just couldn't believe in myself. I didn't, you know, I'd made so many bad decisions. And once you start making bad decisions and you have to reap you have to reap or you have to repercussions from those bad decisions, sometimes it's really hard making those decisions again in fear that things are gonna go sideways, but you can't live that way.

And he taught me. I borrowed Mike's belief in me until I could believe in myself. And if I could offer anything for you today and take away from this podcast is if you don't believe in yourself, borrow somebody else's belief until you can believe in yourself. If you don't have the confidence to go for to take your business to, from two to $3 million, hire somebody that can help.

hire somebod

Mark Sherwin | Marketing For The Future

[00:00:00] Welcome to the Successful Life Podcast. I am your host, Corey. Berrier, and I'm here with my man, mark Sherwin. What's up brother? What's going on, Corey? How are you my man? We doing all right? Doing all right, sir. It's that time of year, man. Everybody's in in go mode. Finish up the year strong. It's interesting you say that because I right there, I'm right there with you.

Right? I'm, you and I are thinking exactly the same way, but I tell you what a lot of people this is, I feel like this is separation season. The people that are digging in and doing the work right now are gonna far surpass everybody that's not doing the work right now. That's taking it easy and taking it easy since Thanksgiving.

And the issue with that is, unless, and I we didn't really tee this up, but unless people are marketing for, again, we didn't tee this up, but , if people are not marketing for the first quarter right now, if we're not doing our work right now, , we're gonna feel that in the first quarter.

Any marketing company like myself, right? Since I started this company almost 13 years ago, I can tell you my busy season is right now. Every marketing company's busy season is right now. Why? Because most contractors, this is their slow season. They're, the phone's not quite ringing as much.

They're analyzing how their summer went. They're doing a number of things. And now it's just go time, right? Call up your marketing company, okay, how can we prepare? Right? Those are the calls that we're fielding, and it's near constant. And it's an absolute wonderful time to prepare now for the spring, as you said.

So, yeah, we're busy. Preparation's key. Like if you're not prepared you're gonna suffer consequences. And I mean, it just goes with anything in life. It's not just ju just not your business, but. . If I don't prepare for my, whatever it is, if I don't prepare for Christmas, come Christmas, I'm gonna be in trouble.

Right. So, but it is a big difference. And this is the time where people just need to really focus. It, it just, it's not time to let off the gas. So Mark Leaves nearby is the name of your company. You said you've been, had been around for 13 years. You're pretty local to me. So tell us a little bit about, leads nearby.

Tell me a little bit about why you started this company. What was the reason behind you starting a marketing company? Well, my business partner and I, Bob Maita started leads nearby about 13 years ago. Him and I had worked at one of the largest SEO companies in the country. Keyboard ranking it was a.

It was a very bad day happened. There was about 315 of us at the time. And I had started very early in the [00:02:30] company and all the executives got let out in handcuffs. So from there everybody kind of went their own ways. And wait a minute. You keep just state the people got hand let out handcuffs.

Hold on. , I gotta hear a little bit more about this. It was a publicly traded firm and it was from, the story was, it was just cash off the top. And they were pocketing at it. were the cash cow and the publicly traded, firm and and yeah, so that was bad. It was really bad.

The, that's we all went our separate ways. I ended up at another digi

Do You trust me?

 [00:00:00] Welcome to the Successful Life Podcast. I'm your host, Corey Barrier, and today folks have a question for you. Do you trust me? Do you want my feedback? If I throw an idea toward, or if you throw an idea towards. and I think it's terrible. Are you okay with me telling you that if we can have an open and honest conversation, you and me, you, the contractor, and I, right?

If we can have an open and honest dialogue throughout our relationship, the relationship is going to be fantastic. People look, people want to know what's going on, and if you're just open and you're just honest about what it is you're trying to do, the pain points that you have, then we can fix that.

Right? So I'm gonna go into I'm gonna go through a few of the Sandler rules today. I'm not a singular trainer, however, I. I've, I've done, I've gone through more Sandler stuff than I can even tell you. So the first thing about Sandler's bonding and rapport. Now, a lot of people think that bonding and rapport is talking about, you know, the grass, how green the grass is, right?

Or how pr, how pretty the car is in the driveway, or the Raiders sign in the living room, right? That's what most people do. That's not bonding in rapport. Why are you talking about a raider? If you're there to fix a toilet, that has nothing to do with why you're there, right? Bonding and rapport is getting people to know, like, and trust you.

What I mean by that is through your body language, through your tonality, Hey, if you can pay attention to how that customers react reacting to you, and you can match and mirror that, then you're gonna be bonding in rapport. You're gonna get, you're gonna. You're going to Jesus Christ. I messed that up.

That's bonding and rapport. So, another part of that is, the three elements of communication, which is body language, tonality, and the words that we use. Now, here's what's nuts, right? Those three things. The percentage, the percentages of those three things are.

It's kinda weird. I'll be honest with you. 55% of that equation is body language. That's [00:02:30] facial expressions. Your, the way your body moves, obviously. Then tonality is 38% of that. So what I mean by tonality, that's the voice inflection. It's, you know, when I, my voice goes really high or it goes really low, best tonality, and then 7% is the words that we use.

All right? So the. Step in. This is the the upfront contract. I love this. This is such, this is so important. The upfront contract, when you hear the word contract, you're like, well, you shouldn't say contract. Yeah, you should. In this situation, all this is, is saying, Hey, you know, look, on the call today, we're gonna spend about 30, we're gonna spend 30 minutes.

Here are the things that we're going to accomplish. I'm gonna ask you some questions. You're gonna ask me some questions. And at the end of. , we're gonna make a decision, and that's the upfront contract. People want to know the beginning and they want to know the end. They people don't like mind reading.

They don't want to guess what it is you're gonna do in the call, right? If you can help the customer or the client, whoever it is you're talking to, to use less brain energy, I guaran

Stop Making Excuses

[00:00:00] Welcome to the Successful Life Podcast. I'm your host, Corey Berrier. And today, folks, we're gonna be talking about, well, actually, we're gonna be talking about not talking. We're also gonna, I'm also gonna take you through a few of the pain questions that I use when I'm talking to a client. This is gonna be dope.

I can promise you, you are gonna learn so much today, so get something to write this stuff down because it is next level stuff. I gotta give a quick shout out to my buddy over at the hoist Gracie jujitsu Academy in Raleigh. and my buddy Billy Dowley is the guy that owns the Jiujitsu place that I just joined, and it just runs a really great establishment.

When you think about your company, you think about how you're technicians or your CSRs interact with your customers. This guy has created a family, right? And that's what you want, you. , you want your employees to feel like they're part of a family. You want your employees to feel like you want 'em to be excited about coming to work.

Right? And when you work with really cool people, when you work with grateful people, it's way easier to come to work, I promise you. And I got to, this is my second, I think this is my second week, and I got to practice with a guy named Pat last night, which was really cool. Yeah. It just, I tell you what, the biggest thing I like about this is the, the focus that you get from doing martial arts is pretty crazy because if you think about that, you know, you've gotta you've constantly you have to pay attention, right?

You have to constantly be thinking if you're squared off of someone. And they're throwing a punch or you're supposed to be throwing a punch. You've gotta really be cognizant of what you both are doing. And it's just like business. If you're not focused in business, things are gonna go sideways.

And look, it happens to the best of us. Things get good making you know, more money than you've ever thought you were gonna make. And you take the foot off the gas when you take the foot off the gas and you're like, what happened? Marketing sucks. No, that's not it. The my sales guy, my, my technicians can't close.

My CSRs can't. They're not doing good on the [00:02:30] phone. The customer said it was too expensive. Customers said they were just gonna go with the repair opposed to the new system. Now that last. It's probably the one that you hear a lot. Now if you own an hvac, plumbing, electrical, whatever, trade your company you own, this is happening, right?

Look, you gotta remember if your guys are not hungry, they very well may throw that job and. Pi, you know, not have a new, so think about this. If you got a service technician, you own an HVAC company, for example, and that service technician goes out, he's got one of two choices. Typically. Either he can repair the HVAC unit or he can call a selling tech to come out and sell a new HVAC unit.

And so I personally don't love. that process because my opinion, and I've been doing, I've been in this a long time, and I know more about sales than just about anybody I know. And I don't say that egotistically, but I've been through, I've probably been 50 through 50 sales books, not to mention my own real life trainin

Facts Tell and Stories Sell

[00:00:00] Welcome to the Successful Life Podcast. I am your host, Corey Berrier. And today, folks, we're gonna be talking about active listening, and we're gonna be talking about how facts tell and story sale. So first I'm gonna tell you about a absolutely. Amazing time that we had last night. We went to see Ali Sadiq, which is a comedian, and this guy to, he had me rolling.

[00:00:27] I laughed so hard. I was crying. I was almost embarrassed. I was crying so hard, and so I just, I didn't really know a ton about the guy. I didn't really know what to expect. But man, I've seen Chris Rock. I've seen Dave Chappelle like this dude. Was incredible. He was the funniest dude I've ever seen.

[00:00:51] So facts tell and stories sell. So let me explain what I mean by that. If you go into a house or your guys are going into a house and they're telling the customer, About how great the hot water heater is and where it was made, and all the components in it, or the HVAC system or whatever it is you sell.

[00:01:20] People don't want to hear that. They do not care about the facts. They don't care about the product benefits and features. What they do care about is you telling them a story. People want to be entertained even if you're selling an HVAC system, right? It look, at the end of the day, if you can tell a story and that customer can see themselves inside of that story, they're gonna buy from you.

[00:01:54] It makes you relatable, it makes you engaging. and look, storytelling is not something that comes supernatural to a lot of people. It didn't come natural to me, I promise. I've just done it so long that it has become a part of my life. And so if you think to yourself, well, Corey, I don't have stories to tell people, borrow stories, if you're brand new, if you're just a new technician out in the. And you don't have stories. Borrow one of your fellow [00:02:26] employee stories and you can tell the story of the you could tell the same story that your employee, that your fellow employee has. You don't have to say it's your story, but just use the story.

[00:02:40] And so the reason this is important is because if you so think about this, if I give. a whole bunch of information. I'm talking about the facts the benefits and features here. If I give you a whole bunch of information that you don't care about you're going to take an average sum of all of those things that I told you, right?

[00:02:57] And so if you add in five things you don't care about and two things you do care about, , well, you've gotta divide that amongst, you know, it's seven items, right? So I'm just using that as a number. I should have used something a little bit closer to round number. But the point is like your brain has to fight to pay attention, right?

[00:03:16] If you're telling me stuff I don't care about, I gotta fight hard to pay attention to you, and that's the last spot you want to be. When you're on a sales call, you don't want the person that you're talking to. To have to fight to understand what you're saying. And you don't want them to have to fight to get the information out of you because if you hit them with a bunch of benefits and features or 700 options, people shut down.

[00:03:47] P

Contractor's Aren't Trustworthy?

[00:00:00] Welcome to the Successful Life Podcast. I am your host, Corey Berrier. And today, folks, you got me, Corey B. We're gonna be talking about what are some most important factors of a profitable plumbing business. And we're also gonna be talking about what are the most common misconceptions 

[00:00:20] about contractors. But first I'm gonna tell you a quick story about a little experience that I had last night. So I went to the Royce, Gracie Jiujitsu school because I have decided to start Jiujitsu and they do have several other things. But here's the crazy thing, and these kind of things seem to happen to me quite a bit when I'm doing the right thing.

[00:00:48] So where I'm sitting on the, I'm on the mat with this guy and we're doing, we're doing our. Practicing, I guess you could say. And this guy walks in. Now, I don't know what Hoyce Gracie looks like. I don't know what any of the Gracie's look like. This is really new to me. I've heard their names. I know who they are, but I don't really, I don't have a clue what they look like.

[00:01:07] So this guy comes walking in and interrupts the class. I thought that was odd. And this guy looks at me and he was like that's hoist Gracie. And I went, eh, I know dude. I'm new. I know you're just messing with me. There's no way that's hoist Gracie. He was like, dude, that's hoist Gracie.

[00:01:26] I'm like, come on. He was like, seriously, he's teaching a class here Saturday. And I'm like, oh wow. I don't know if you know who that is or not. You probably do, but it's pretty cool. I got to take my picture with the guy. It was dope. It was really cool to meet that guy. The first freaking time I would go in and put on Agh and do all the things.

[00:01:47] And so I just thought I'd share that experience with you cuz I thought it was unique, it was cool and I just thought it was so freaking cool. And now I'm going back. I joined the school and it was really cool. It was really cool. I'll tell you a little bit about some of the things that.

[00:02:02] I even experienced last night is like that whole time that you're working with another individual, your mind is moving. Like you, you've gotta stay completely focused on what you're doing. And what's crazy is you're not thinking about anything else during that. Like the whole world stops. There is nothing in my life I'm thinking about when I'm, lined up with this guy.

[00:02:23] I don't even know how you, what you call it, but we were [00:02:26] practicing. You have to think about the moves he's making you have, think about the moves you're making. and I don't know. It was cool. It was super, super cool. And to meet that guy the first night, it was really cool. Alright, so here's where we're gonna start.

[00:02:39] All right. Here's some common misconceptions about contract. One of the most common misconceptions about contractors. , y'all offer the same service, same price. You do the same stuff as John down the street, and you do the same thing as Jim down the street, and you do the same thing as, Barry down the street.

[00:03:02] Y'all are all the same. You charge the same, y'all just fall. They look. People lump you in the same category, and it's just not the case. Cont